Are you as in love with Instagram as I am?
I love Instagram!
I love it because it's an easy way to create something every day. And I love it because it's a visual way to get to know other creatives and make some new friends too.
A visual social connection.
I want more. I wanna see more of your images and I wanna build more creative community.
And we're going to do it with the #foliophoto instagram project!
Christie and I had a blast with the "31 days of October" instagram project, right? And you know what, some creative collaborations came out of it. Nothing like meeting new artsy types.
Then we had four Fridays in November, a little slower pace for the holiday season.
And then we started 2014 with #foliophoto #alphabet. Did you know that not only did an artist learn a new style from this, she actually was discovered by West Elm! You never know what'll happen.
Then March 2014 we had the #foliophoto #stylingchallenge.
This go around, it's the:
#wesandersongrams instagram challenge!
What-a-what-what-what? Wes Anderson? Yes. Love his movies? You'll get it. Don't know them? Do.not.worry - the prompts are still SOOO doable and all of them describe the visual style of Wes Anderson movies.
Wes Anderson #foliophoto Instagram Challenge graphic created by Danielle Krysa
The point is to create an image. The point is also to make some new friends and build some community. A little something every day for 7 days.
Instagram or twitter? Use the hashtag #wesandersongrams and #foliophoto so we can find each other - I wanna see your work! And I want you to see my work too! Check out everyone's photos, leave comments, interact - it's social media, baby.
Questions? Contact me.